Manchester Digital is delighted to announce the appointment of Rachel Tsang to our board directors. Rachel brings a fresh perspective to the board with her experience of government departments and the public sector, and is currently deputy director for identity operations at the Government Digital Service.
We caught up with Rachel to find out a bit more about her journey into digital and tech and her hopes for the future of Manchester Digital.
Could you share with us why you decided to apply to join the Manchester Digital board?
Manchester Digital’s mission to help create growth, build capability and connect like minded organisations, acting as a voice for the sector in the region strongly resonated with me - so when an opportunity to join the board came up, I was excited to throw my hat in the ring. Manchester Digital is a positive force for good and with so much growth and potential in Manchester, it’s a privilege to join the board at this time.
Could you tell us a bit about your background and experience in the digital and tech industry?
I’m a relatively late arrival into tech - my background is in academia as well as strategy and programme delivery in the public sector. I currently work on digital identity but made the stepchange into digital a couple years ago when I moved to the Government Digital Service to work on GOV.UK. The website played a critical role in providing access to key information and services during the pandemic and, as you might imagine, required lots of working at pace, quick decision making and long hours. A relentless focus on user needs and how digital service innovation can make things better for them has been a huge part of the appeal of working in tech.
What specific skills or view points do you hope to bring to the Manchester Digital board and how will this support Manchester Digital’s objectives?
Having worked in a number of different central government departments, I’ll bring a strong public sector perspective to Manchester Digital. I’m also particularly passionate about greater inclusion. There’s good diversity on the board and I hope to add to that by virtue of being a senior, mixed-race female leader working with technical teams. Finally, in a previous life I used to be an analyst and also worked on public spending - so I know my way around spreadsheets and budgets which may prove helpful!
What are your hopes and aspirations for Manchester Digital as a board member?
Manchester Digital plays a huge role in connecting different organisations, championing digital skills and tackling barriers to inclusion. As the sector continues to grow in the region, so does Manchester Digital’s potential significance and impact in these areas. I’m really looking forward to being part of the team and excited about what’s next.
In your opinion, what are some of the key challenges that the digital sector in Greater Manchester is facing and how do you see Manchester Digital addressing these challenges and maximising opportunities for the membership?
Having spoken to a number of organisations, one of the biggest current challenges is around matching the right people with the right roles. As someone who works in an organisation that is keen to grow in Manchester, one of my biggest struggles has been with recruiting. It’s a competitive market and a lot of organisations are fishing in the same pools. Manchester Digital can continue to help with addressing these challenges by bringing people and organisations together, as well as building digital skills and capabilities.
Finally, outside of your work experience are you able to tell us an interesting fact about yourself?
I recently bought my first home. It is - as estate agents might say - a bit of a project. I’m slowly doing it up and on the weekends can often be found with a paintbrush in hand, ripping up old carpet, or hopelessly trying to fix a mistake with a bit of filler.
Thanks Rachel!